Welcome to DHInfra.at

Your Gateway to Digital Humanities Infrastructure in Austria

Welcome to DHInfra.at, your central resource for Digital Humanities infrastructure in Austria. We develop infrastructure for digitally supported research in Austrian humanities, bridging gaps between standard cultural heritage digitization, research data management, specialized software solutions, and HPC offerings for processing large datasets with machine learning.

This platform aims to serve as a comprehensive hub for tools, documentation, and resources that support digital humanities research and projects across Austrian institutions.

What to Expect

  • Resources: Best practices, tutorials, and other helpful materials
  • Tools: Information about available digital humanities tools and how to access them
  • Documentation: Detailed guides and documentation for various DH tools and services
  • Updates: Regular updates about new developments in the Austrian DH infrastructure landscape

We continue to build and expand this resource. We welcome your feedback and contributions to help make this platform as useful as possible for the DH community. Stay tuned!

Get Started

Check out our acquired or planned infrastructure. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us at dhinfra@uni-graz.at.

We look forward to growing this platform together with the Austrian Digital Humanities community!

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