The institution operates a prototype robotic scanner optimized for carefully digitizing loose A4-sized papers, specifically designed for processing registration forms from the 1910s. This specialized equipment enables the scanning of loose-leaf collections that cannot be processed using conventional feed scanners.
Contact: Günter Mühlberger
The institution operates two advanced multispectral imaging systems:
- XpeCAM System
- Mobile filter-based multispectral imaging system with dedicated lighting
- 6.4 Mpx resolution with spectral sensitivity of 350-1200nm (30 filters)
- No darkroom required for operation
- Highly portable setup with camera and 2 lighting units on stands
- Applications: Historical manuscript/painting capture, palimpsest visualization, underwriting detection
- More info: https://xpecam.com/
- MISHA System (Open Source MSI System Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Mobile multispectral imaging system optimized for archive materials
- Specifically designed for flat objects (manuscripts, books)
- LED-based lighting system for different wavelength ranges
- Requires light-tight enclosure (implemented with light-proof fabric + mount)
- Highly portable and easy to set up on-site
Contact: a.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Sablatnig
Access: Available upon request
Note: Additional information about data capture infrastructure at other partner institutions will be added soon. For specific inquiries, please contact your institutional representative.